The Book


Lion: Pride Before The Fall

“I have been following and photographing Lion prides all over Africa for the last ten years, including Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. This book is the culmination of that journey”

George Logan

This large format, hardback coffee table book of 176 pages features a stunning collection of photographs, celebrating the lifecycle of the Lion in all its raw beauty, as well as a dedicated conceptual art section.

All proceeds from the book will raise vital funds to support, protect and help re-establish ‘The Last Lions of Meru’ in Kenya.

“If you share my passion and concern, please support this project and help ensure a future for wild lions.”

The book is available HERE

“No one, in my view, more strikingly has caught the multiple dimensions of Lions’ behaviour and depth of character than George Logan. He has an unfailing sensitivity and admiration for the individual animal. This, for me, shines through each page of the book and is deeply moving in so many ways. There are many wonderful wildlife photographers, but George’s images are amongst the most intriguing, thought-provoking and original.”

Born Free co-founder and actress Virginia McKenna OBE






Virginia McKenna OBE

Will Travers OBE

Caroline Ng’Weno

Dr Mark Jones

Picture Editor: Keith Wilson

Copywriter: Gill Mullins

Book Design: Jamie Forsyth

Post Production: Loupe Imaging

Habitat loss Across Africa, Lions now occupy less than 8% of the land they once did. This loss of habitat has severe consequences. Lions no longer have access to the vast stretches of savannah grasslands they need to find food, viable mating partners, and thrive as a pride.
Captivity Lions are especially unsuited to captivity. In the wild they have territories ranging into hundreds of miles. The sight of a male Lion patrolling and roaring around a tiny zoo enclosure is one of the saddest things to witness.
Golden years Lions lives generally don’t end peacefully. Three quarters of males will die in combat with other Lions. Others will perish due to hunting wounds and illness. But it is so much better they live this way, wild and free, rather than growing old and obese in some zoo or circus.

It’s no secret that Lion populations are declining. In just the last century, the population across Africa has declined by nearly 97%. Lions are already extinct in 26 African countries. With fewer than 20,000 remaining, if their decline continues at the same rate, Lions could be extinct in the wild by 2050.

George Logan



Find out more about George Logan and his work




Specific projects that will be supported by this book include:

  • Supply vetronic Lion collars for the conservation team to monitor Lion behaviours and the proximity of local communities to mitigate human-wildlife conflict
  • Providing solar panels on ranger outposts to enable radio communications
  • Installing camera traps to identify new Lion populations in Meru and Kora National Parks
  • Support Kenya Wildlife Service anti-poaching initiatives
  • Provide specialist computer equipment for Born Free staff which will enable them to survey, track and record field data
  • Work with local communities and schools bordering Meru, to educate people on the importance of wildlife conservation, thereby encouraging co-existence
  • Campaign against captive Lion breeding, trophy hunting and canned hunting
  • Lifetime care for rescued Lions living in Born Free sanctuaries across Africa. 



This remarkable book opens our eyes and hearts to the world of the African Lion, of one of our planet’s most magnificent and yet vulnerable wild creatures. Symbols of power and strength, Lions have all too often had their other characteristics forgotten or ignored – their loving nature, their loyalty, how they protect their young, their jealousy, competitiveness and ferocity.



Fewer than 20,000 left…

Lions have no natural predators in the wild, yet we are losing them at the rate of two per day. There is a real possibility that they will become extinct by the middle of this century.




Problem neighbours

“Lion interaction with other species usually ends up with the other animal becoming a meal. However, it’s not always one way.
Confrontations with Hyenas, Buffalo, Elephant, Hippos and Crocodiles, can often result in severe problems for Lions…especially the cubs.”




Lion populations face a risk of extinction from numerous threats, including habitat loss due to encroachment by humans. Livestock farmers may use poisons, rifles and snares to remove Lions from their land. In addition, prey species have been depleted by the bushmeat trade, and Lion populations have become increasingly fragmented as a consequence. In some countries it is still legal to shoot Lions for sport.









There are many wonderful wildlife photographers, but George’s images are amongst the most intriguing, thought-provoking and original.

Born Free founder and actress Virginia McKenna OBE

The human race has to now decide whether it is prepared to share the planet with the last few surviving of the most iconic predator.

George Logan